Thursday, September 30, 2010

Almost 10

Some days I wonder if my daughter will live until she is 10.  Not because she is sick, not because I am afraid that she might get hurt but because her attitude is getting the best of her. 

She is SO much like me I can almost envision what her life is going to bring.  Sadly, I would like to spare her some of the tragic parts but clearly that is not going to happen (unless she learns quickly that I know what I am talking about, which is highly unlikely!!)

She knows it all and doesn't hesitate to let us know that.  We are quickly learning how little we, her loving parents, know. 

She has always been independant, which I think is a good thing, and while she has moaned and complained about whatever task that we ask her to do that does not meet with her approval, the presentation of that has been general disapproval.  Lately, she is become more focused in her expressions.  

Yesterday I was told "just don't talk to me" as she huffed by me.  A couple days before, her dad was told "I was just doing what you told me to", as she stomped up the stairs. 

I am thankful that she eventually comes to her senses and apologizes.. but I fear that this will start to fade as she ages.  I know that this is just the beginning of much more fun to come.  Teenage angst, heartbreaks, more independance...oh man, I can't wait...NOT!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

     I truly think that I am the personification of the nyquil commercial....I am sniffling, sneezing, coughing aching stuffy head, fever..okay, no fever, but I have the rest of it.

     I don't know if I have an intense allergic reaction goin on or if I am sick, but either way, I feel miserable.  I am hacking and spitting and coughing, and yes, even peeing a little every time I cough.  Is this ever going to end I have asked myself on more than one occasion this week. 

     I have had more than my fair share of daytime TV, mucinex, puffs plus and nyquil.  I have gasped for air, showered, slept, sneezed, slept some more, coughed, changed my clothes and called out of work.

     So yeah, I am officially tired of being sick.  The best part about being sick is that you know that you really can't feel any worse.  Next week has got to be better.

Monday, September 20, 2010


So many good things happen in September.  Kids go back to school, the air cools, leaves change, apples are ready. 
September also brings the reappearance of political signs.  While I am all for democracy and freedoms.  I would like to suggest that we vote for the cadidate that has the fewest number of signs cluttering our landscapes!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Writing Blog

Well here we go.... Fasten your seatbelts and hold on.  I am not sure exactly where this will go, but it is sure to be ... well, interesting!!!